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Olympic Yacht Show 2021 to welcome over 90 Yachts

Olympic Yacht Show 2021 to welcome over 90 Yachts

Olympic Yacht Show 2021 to welcome over 90 Yachts 1920 1000 Olympic Yacht Show 2024

– 90 yachts so far on display including over a dozen of Greek debuts
– Mostly yachts over 12m, luxury ribs and premium day cruisers
– 50 exhibitors have already confirmed participation
– World debut of Technohull Omega 47
– Greek premieres Swan 78, Azimut S10
– The venue, Olympic Marine, is one of the most advanced yacht harbours in the Med area

Early October is the best possible period for such event. The weather is usually mild and sunny, and the show is going to attract a number of interesting yachts of various sizes and types.

Preparations for the show are well underway. 60 exhibitors have already confirmed participation, and over 80 yachts will be on display. Azimut, Fjord, Pardo, Princess Yachts, Sanlorenzo, Bluegame, Sunseeker, Fjord, Fairline, Swan, Fountain Pajot. Super Tenders “Made in Greece” such as Technohull, Onda, Ribco, Skipper BSK, plan to bring several new boats for Greek debuts. Fountaine Pajot is going to host a premiere of a new luxurious motor catamaran model, the Power 67. As well Saxdor Yachts premiers the new Saxdor 320.

In the Sailing Area, Jeanneau, Hanse, X-Yachts, Dufour, Dehler and Solaris have already confirmed participation.

It is the only boating event in Greece with a clear orientation towards medium and mega yachts and businesses in this category.

The marina and show layout allow many sea trials the last day in exciting tourist scenario and with a long summer season, especially since the summer is late for everyone this year.



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