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Rina participates in the 2nd Olympic Yacht Show

Rina participates in the 2nd Olympic Yacht Show

Rina participates in the 2nd Olympic Yacht Show 1600 833 Olympic Yacht Show 2024

With a new building portfolio close to the 30% of the global order-book and over 1.300 classed yachts, RINA is a leader in the yachting certification business. In addition to core services, such as yacht classification and statutory certification, our competency is well renowned also for a wide range of technical advisory services that can really add a unique value to the client’s projects.

Since the inception we support ship designers to verify the compliance with the applicable rules including those of novel concept designs, or alternative fuels, such as, methanol, hydrogen or ammonia.

What we can provide today even more than in the past, thanks to several strategic acquisitions and solid organic growth, is a top-level support on regulatory aspects and engineering challenges of the yachting world. This allows us to represent one of the best partner in the construction and management of yachts.


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